Remote Streaming Program
Streamed via Stretch Internet at, CWPA regular season broadcasts would be presented free of charge courtesy of KAP7 International and the CWPA.
Fall 2022 Streaming Schedule:
Fans should be aware that the streaming schedule is tentative at this time as additional sites may be added throughout the season. Due to the fluid nature of streaming opportunities, fans are asked to check back weekly to see which sites/ games will be streamed and if the scheduled stream will occur. The CWPA will continue to work with the host sites listed to ensure logistics are corrected leading up to the scheduled event to provide the optimal viewing experience.
Fall 2022 Streaming Schedule
Friday November 18, 2022, Saturday November 19, 2022, and Sunday November 20, 2022- MAWPC Championship tournament @Fordham University (CWPA Men’s Varsity) [PAY PER VIEW- $10.00 per game, $25.00 tournament pass]
About KAP7: Founded “by water polo players, for water polo players”, KAP7 came to be in 2004 as Olympians Wolf Wigo and Brad Schumacher saw a need to provide quality products built by and for water polo players. Since the organization’s early days until the present, KAP7 has grown to become the official ball of both the CWPA and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Further, the organization is proud to support the development of water polo through its direct sponsorship of various organization by investing capital and product at all levels across the globe to foster the development of Water Polo.
A proud sponsor of the US Olympic Water Polo Teams and the CWPA, KAP7 continues its mission to help grow the sport of water polo via its interest in providing streaming coverage of teams from around the United States.
About the Remote-Streaming Program:
- While regular season event broadcasts are free, viewers will still be instructed to create an account and login to view the games free of charge.
- If you’ve already created an account via the CWPA Stretch Portal previously you may continue to use that account to view the games free of charge by logging into your profile.
- CWPA Championship tournaments will still be offered on a pay-per-view basis at $10.00 per game or $25.00 for a tournament pass.
The Difference Between Regular Season/Remote Streaming & the Championship Streams: CWPA Championship broadcasts consist of an on-site three camera broadcast, replay footage and live interviews, among other elements, to present a premier water polo viewing experience.
Regular season competition is presented via the remote-streaming program. The first collegiate organization to use onsite cameras fed back to a remote site (the league office in Bridgeport, Pa.) with announcers calling the games hundreds – if not a thousand – miles away from the competition, the program is the preeminent means of video content distribution in the sport of water polo.
Established during the Fall of 2016, the CWPA Remote Streaming program was initiated to help member teams get their events streamed to a broad audience. Due to the number of events each weekend across the country, the challenge of getting these events streamed was noticed by the CWPA. Working with streaming provider Stretch Internet, the league was able to create remote streaming kits and establish a program that allows water polo games to be broadcasted globally without the league staff needing to travel to each site every weekend.
Overall, the CWPA Multimedia Department works with each host site’s team leadership and school contact to determine the logistics for getting the event streamed (i.e., facility layout, information technology (IT) requirements, equipment shipping address, etc.). Once it is determined the host site has the proper Ethernet Connection for the streaming efforts, the league’s Multimedia Department works on finding a camera operator to operate the gear the day of the event. All the gear needed to stream is provided by the league and shipped to each institution the week of their event. For the third season the CWPA’s Remote Streaming Program now features a remote announcer on each broadcast. These individuals watch the game feed across the country and at the CWPA League Office to create the final broadcast product that goes out to viewers on The CWPA Network which features play by play announcing, graphics and league video elements.
How can my Team Stream: Teams hosting divisional events and who are interested in providing streaming coverage of their tournaments are asked to contact the office at 610-277-6787 or to discuss the potential opportunity.