

All schedules are completed by the CWPA Office staff two years in advance (women) and following the release of the west coast invitational dates (men) using the following procedure:

  • Schedule drafts are distributed to the member coaches for a review period
  • Coaches submit schedule changes to office and a final draft is sent to the membership
  • Administrators approve the final draft

Once schedules are approved they may not be changed unless extreme circumstances exist or facility issues arise.

Institutions receive an equal number of regular season home games whenever possible, regardless of geographic location.

Championship games must be held in facilities that meet maximum depth and length requirements specified by the NCAA.


Teams hold an annual conference call by division to determine dates and sites for competition, as well as the competitive format used. Host schools must submit a Pool Reservation Form detailing hours available. The CWPA office will establish the actual game schedule once the reservation form is received.

If a team is unable to participate, the format is revised whenever possible to afford all teams the original amount of games expected. Teams unable to participate due to weather are not penalized in any fashion. Seeding for the championship in these instances will be based on won/loss percentages.


No varsity league competition will be scheduled on Easter, Rosh Hashanah, or Yom Kippur unless by mutual consent of the teams involved.



Championships rotate between facilities that enable the maximum depth and size requirements outlined by the NCAA. Sites rotate by division according to a schedule posted int he schedules section.


The Division Championships are coordinated entirely by the host institution. The season ending championships for club and varsity teams are staffed and run by the CWPA office, with all gate receipts the property of the conference in order to cover game management support and staff.

Collegiate Water Polo Association