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SALEM, W. Va. — The Mercyhurst University men’s water polo team won 16-14 over McKendree University during the second day of the Division II Eastern Championship at Salem University. Courtesy the win, the Lakers claim Third Place in the four team field.

Ryan Witoslawski led the way for the Lakers with eight points. Michael Gutman had four points, while Derek Kagen and Paul Goddard had three points each. Two points were picked up by Alex Cappuccio, Mathieu Davis and Teagan Thomas. Joel Parnell and Nash Greeven had one point each,

In net, Greeven made six saves and had nine steals.

For McKendree, Matt Haygood had five points, while Jesus Osorio notched four points, Ben Brauer picked up three points and Jackson Spencer had two points. Single points were earned by Nico Rodriguez, Isaya Owotor, Joseph Mahan, Aaron Jacobs and Tony Sunagawa.

In net, Ori Scalon made nine saves and had one steal.

Release courtesy Mercyhurst University Athletics Communications

Collegiate Water Polo Association