2024 Great Lakes Division Men’s Schedule

Great Lakes Division Schedule Notes

NOTE: Games at Grand Valley State University on Saturday-Sunday, September 28-29, and the championship contests at Washington University in St. Louis on Saturday-Sunday, October 26-27, are tentative as of Monday, September 3.

NOTE: The Grand Valley State University weekend is moved to Saturday-Sunday, October 19-20, as of Wednesday, September 11.  The Great Lakes Division Championship is established at Washington University in St. Louis on Saturday-Sunday, October 26-27, with game times revised to fit available pool hours.

NOTE: The site of the Grand Valley State University weekend on Saturday-Sunday, October 19-20, moves to Rockford High School (4100 Kroes Street, Rockford, MI) as of Friday, September 27. 

NOTE: The Great Lakes Division schedule on Saturday-Sunday, October 18-19, is revised as of Monday, October 14, due to pool availability.

NOTE: Due to Loyola University (Chicago) and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee both failing to appear for the division championship tournament on Saturday-Sunday, October 26-27, the championship format is revised for the four remaining teams as of October 26.

wdt_ID Date (Time) Location Matchup: (Dark vs. White) Dark Score White Score Video
27 Sat., Oct. 5 (11:30AM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN University of Notre Dame vs. University of Wisc.-Milwaukee 24 1
28 Sat., Oct. 5 (12:40PM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Miami University (Ohio) vs. Grand Valley State University 4 25
29 Sat., Oct. 5 (1:50PM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Loyola University (Ill.) vs. University of Wisc.-Milwaukee 17 5
30 Sat., Oct. 5 (3:00PM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN University of Notre Dame vs. Washington University in St. Louis 10 5
31 Sat., Oct. 5 (4:10PM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Loyola University (Ill.) vs. Grand Valley State University 1 23
32 Sat., Oct. 5 (5:20PM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Washington University in St. Louis vs. University of Wisc.-Milwaukee 17 4
33 Sat., Oct. 5 (6:30PM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Loyola University (Ill.) vs. Miami University (Ohio) 3 16
34 Sun., Oct. 6 (8:20AM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Washington University in St. Louis vs. Grand Valley State University 8 10
37 Sun., Oct. 6 (9:30AM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN University of Notre Dame vs. Miami University (Ohio) 19 3
38 Sun., Oct. 6 (10:40AM) University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Loyola University (Ill.) vs. Washington University in St. Louis 2 16


Great Lakes Division Championship Schedule

Teams are divided into brackets based on their win/loss records during the season:
Bracket A Bracket B
1st Seed –
University of Notre Dame
2nd Seed –
Washington University in St. Louis
4th Seed –
Miami University (Ohio)
3rd Seed –
Grand Valley State University
5th Seed –
Loyola University (Ill.)
6th Seed –
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Teams listed first wear dark caps and are home on the scoreboard.
Host team always wears dark caps and is listed first on the scoreboard regardless of seed.


wdt_ID Date (Time) Location Matchup: (Dark vs. White) Dark Score White Score Video
30 Sat., Oct. 26 (4:00PM) Great Lakes Division Championship - Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 2nd Seed vs. 3rd Seed (Game 1) - Washington University in St. Louis vs. Grand Valley State University 9 7
31 Sat., Oct. 26 (5:10PM) Great Lakes Division Championship - Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 1st Seed vs. 4th Seed (Game 2) - University of Notre Dame vs. Miami University (Ohio) 16 5
35 Sun., Oct. 27 (9:20AM) Great Lakes Division Championship - Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO Loser Game 1 vs. Loser Game 2 - Grand Valley State University vs. Miami University (Ohio) 20 4
36 Sun., Oct. 27 (10:30AM) Great Lakes Division Championship - Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO Winner Game 1 vs. Winner Game 2 - Washington University in St. Louis vs. University of Notre Dae 12 8


2024 Great Lakes Men Standings

wdt_ID Final Standing Regular Season Standing Team Win Loss Points Win (Final Standings) Loss (Final Standings)
18 1 2 Washington University in St. Louis* 6 2 12 8 2
27 2 1 University of Notre Dame 7 1 14 8 2
31 3 3 Grand Valley State University* 6 2 12 7 3
32 4 4 Miami University (Ohio) 3 5 6 3 7
33 N/A 5 Loyola University (Chicago)% 1 7 2 N/A N/A
34 N/A 6 University of Wis.-Milwaukee% 1 7 2 N/A N/A

*Washington University in St. Louis takes the No. 2 seed due to goal differential versus Grand Valley State University with a 15-11 win and a 10-8 loss for a +2 differential; %Loyola University earns the No. 5 seed courtesy at +8 goal differential with a 17-5 win and a 13-9 loss versus the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee



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