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BRIDGEPORT, Pa. — The Collegiate Water Polo Association (CWPA) releases the 2019 Women’s National Collegiate Club Championship program for the 30-game event on Friday-Sunday, May 3-5, at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Ind.

The Schedule:

  • A complete schedule for the event is available online by CLICKING HERE.


  • Fans attending the Women’s National Collegiate Club Championship can pay for either a three-day tournament pass ($25) or a one-day pass ($10). Notre Dame students, faculty and staff with a valid college ID, and senior citizens 65 and older, will be admitted at discounted prices of $10 (tournament pass) and $5 (one-day pass). All children 12 and under are free of charge. All tickets are exclusively available at the door as there will be no presale in advance of the championship.


  • For fans unable to make the trip to the Rolfs Aquatic Center for the championship, the CWPA is offering live-streaming of the weekend on a pay-per-view basis through Stretch Internet. Fans can access the stream by CLICKING HERE. The cost of viewership is $10 per game, or $25 for the weekend tournament package that includes all the contested games. In addition, fans can access the stream until July following the conclusion of the tournament.

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Collegiate Water Polo Association