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INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Looking to play in college on the varsity level?  Prospective athletes should review the 2024-25 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete.

The Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete is designed to help an athlete along with families, high school counselors and coaches understand the NCAA initial-eligibility process and prepare a potential collegiate student-athlete for transitioning from high school to competing in the NCAA. With over 1,000 colleges and universities across three divisions, NCAA schools offer a variety of academics and athletics programs.

This guide answers important questions for four groups of people involved in the NCAA initial-eligibility process:

  • High school students who hope to compete in college sports at an NCAA Division I or II school.
  • Parents, guardians and family members of high school students.
  • High school counselors and athletics administrators.
  • High school and non-scholastic coaches

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