BRIDGEPORT, Pa. — Moira Williams (So., Davis, Calif./Davis) of the University of California-Irvine contributed seven goals, three assists and thee steals during a 1-3 weekend in league competition at the University of California-San Diego’s Canyonview Aquatic Center on Saturday-Sunday, March 30-31, to garner the Women’s Collegiate Club Southwest Division Player of the Week award.
UC-Irvine, which clinched the No. 4 seed for the upcoming Southwest Division Championship at San Diego State University’s Aztec Aquaplex on Saturday-Sunday, April 13-14, fell to UC-San Diego “A” (9-6 L), the University of Arizona (8-6 L) and San Diego State “A” (6-2 L) with a victory over UC-San Diego “B” (10-3 W) to conclude the regular season with a 4-4 mark.