CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently published the institution’s 2021 Fall COVID-19 Spectator Guidelines.
Are spectators allowed at MIT athletic events in the Fall?
Yes, spectators will be allowed to attend MIT Athletics events this fall and are asked to follow the MIT event policies regarding Covid-19 safety guidelines. Fully-vaccinated spectators are not required to wear a face covering at outdoor events, but face coverings are required for all spectators at indoor events. Unvaccinated spectators are required to wear a face covering at both indoor and outdoor events. Please note that all campus visitors and attendees of MIT-sponsored events are strongly encouraged to be fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 and you should follow the guidance of all MIT Event Staff at our events.
If you or anybody in your household is displaying COVID-19 symptoms, you should not attend an MIT event. In addition, please have a face covering with you at outdoor events in the event that you have to be ushered indoors due to severe weather conditions or to use the restroom facilities located in Steinbrenner Stadium.
Event Check-In Information for Non-MIT Community Members
For spectators that are coming from outside of the MIT campus to attend a DAPER athletics event, we ask that you complete our DAPER Event Check-In Form. You can do this prior to arrival on campus or scan the QR code that will be posted at the entrance to each venue.
Parking Information (Visitors Parking Map)
Spectators coming to DAPER facilities have a number of parking options, including metered spots and certain MIT lots/garages. Please see the list below for more information.
– Westgate Lot: 282 Vassar Street
Rate: $11.00 per day (Available after 2:30 pm on Fridays and any time on weekends)
– Albany Street Garage: 20 Albany Street
Rate: $11.00 per day (Available after 2:30 pm on weekdays and any time on weekends)
– Visitor Lot: 139 Mass. Ave.
Pay by Phone, Rates Posted at Lot (Available all day, weekends and weekdays)
– Street Parking: Metered
The city of Cambridge and DCR have designated metered parking along select streets. Please read all posted signs concerning street cleaning dates, etc.